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     Ministry of Agriculture: Three Criteria for Model Farmers’ Specialized Cooperatives
Add Time :2009-11-03      Hits:3168


Ministry of Agriculture: Three Criteria for Model Farmers’ Specialized Cooperatives .

By chinanews 14th October



On 14th October, Ministry of Agriculture held a press conference to introduce the development progress of the model of farmers’ specialized cooperatives. Secretary of Rural Economic and Economic Management Department, Mr. Sun Zhonghua, explained the Suggestion About the Constructive Development of Model of Farmers’ Specialized Cooperatives in detail. He indicated that model cooperatives should follow three standards: management should be standardized; production should be normalized; operation should be branded.


Mr. Sun Zhonghua, meanwhile, Director of Agriculture Industrialization Office said that model cooperatives are going to be an example, which can be a formwork to let other cooperatives learn from them. To be a national model cooperative, it should have three qualifications as below:


1.    Management should be standardized. As a model cooperative, it ought to have complete internal control system, member's congress, board member meeting and board of supervisors. All of these should work feasibly and set up personal record for all members as well as have accurate record of member’s financial contribution, accumulation fund share and trade quantity of cooperative etc.  Moreover, model cooperatives should build up reasonable internal accumulation and indemnification systems to gain the internal motivation of sustainable development.

Besides this, model cooperative should have good reputation at local areas and have highly acceptance from civilian. One more thing, model cooperative should have quite strong function to put households in motion and quite considerable scale. As we invested and counted, this kind of model cooperative presently has 80 families in average. We   originally considered that it should get 150 families, as a national model cooperative. This is the reason that we emphasize on the standardized management. It is the most prior task and criterion. 

2.    Production should be normalized. The products and industries that model cooperatives are selling or engaging are the leading dominant industries or products; the unity purchase ratio of producing material for members of cooperatives needs to be up to 80% and normalized production ration should be 100%.

3.    Operation should be branded. The market share of dominate products need to get a high level and the unity sales ration of member’s leading products should get up to 80%; registration ration of trade mark should be up to 90%; specialized cooperatives whom produce fresh and live agricultural products should have 50% of total cooperatives to participate in “Nong Chao Dui Jie” that farmers have directly cooperation with supermarkets; farmer members should have 20% higher income than the farmers who are not members of cooperatives in local areas. We are proposing every local department to set up their own standards of model cooperatives subjecting to the reality.

Copyright: International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
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