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     Consumer Price of Vegetable Goes Down by 20% Through the Direct Purchase of Supermarkets in Xi An
Add Time :2009-11-03      Hits:3768


Consumer Price of Vegetable Goes Down by 20% Through the Direct Purchase of Supermarkets in Xi An.

Source: Hua shang Newspaper


“Fresh vegetable robbing” of Supermarkets in Xi An 
In this September, I An Municipal Commerce Bureau organized CR Vanguard, Ren Ren Le, Wal-Mart, Fang Xin Vegetable Market and other 24 commercial enterprises to pay a visit to agricultural product base of Hua County. They did a face-to-face conversation and purchasing negotiation with local planters and agents at the field.

It is known that the big supermarkets and markets signed contracts on site for marketing peppers, pears, asparagus, potatoe, eggs, greenhouse vegetables and seven items of agricultural products. The total purchase reached 35,000 tons and the overall trade volume got 7.404 million yuan.

Before this, Ren Ren Le also did a joint work with San Wan Shen Zhou Xing Green Vegetable Specilized Cooperative of Zhou Zhi County through testing point to sign up a half year purchasing contract. It is said that this cooperative has 460 members in local areas.


Director of Office of General Manager, Mr. Xie Bing said that since 19th, August, this cooperative delivers beans, tomatoes, green cucumbers and other 10 categories of vegetable up to 25 tons. “ We have signed twenty direct supply contracts with four cooperatives in local areas and we are going to enlarge this trade in the near future.”


In this June, Department of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance and other departments distributed the administrative document about the “ Nong Chao Dui Jie” testing points of 15 provinces or cities including Shaan Xi. “Last year, we set up a comprehensive platform for agricultural product information exchange.” said by Mr. An Jianyong, Director of Commodity Circulation Department of Xi An Municipal Commerce Bureau.

Retail Price of Agricultural Products Went Down by 20%.

In the vegetable section of Ren Ren Le Supermarket at You Yi road, there is a sign comparing the prices said “ Cheaper than the market’s”. Bean is the cheapest; it has 1.02 yuan cheaper than market’s. Rape, pumpkin and cabbage have a cheap space from 0.52 to 0.22 yuan. “Purchasing cost goes down, then, sale price certainly will go down.” Xie Bing said. Many supermarkets claimed that after the “Nong Chao Dui Jie”, the purchasing cost decreased 10% to 20% and the “direct supply from producers” also will cut down the price from 10% to 20% comparing with the traditional purchase model.


“With the purchase scale is enlarging, it is possible to cut down the retail price with 30%.” An Jianyong said. The traditional purchasing model has been changed and it trends to “Agricultural Order” and that can reduce the blind production of farmers thus, it can let farmers to gain more profit.

Will it have negative influence on the wholesale market? An Jianyong believes that local vegetables will be on market from April to November but when winter comes, the vegetables from southern provinces will depend on the wholesale markets to finish this business.

Advice of “Green Channel” Contribution for Strength

 “Nong Chao Dui Jie” gives “Two-to-win” to both farmers and citizens. However, from the view of general purchase quantity, direct supply only takes no more than 20% in the supermarkets.

as explained by one relative person in charge of one supermarket, the main reason for this is that most of the planters of cooperatives separately do their business and the source of product is not concentrated as well as the amount of product cannot be guaranteed. He says “ It mainly attributes to the lack of planning upon the breeding and planting of farmers.” At the same time, few cooperatives also have some problems of invoice issuing or vegetable security monitor.

As a result of this, An Jianyong supposed that local government should put powerful support policies and assorts financial support to financial policy including open up a “Green Channel” and allow the refrigerated truck enter into the downtown area of Xiaan and so on. It is said that, Xiaan Municipal Commerce Bureau, Bureau of Agriculture will distribute the implement suggestion about “Nong Chao Dui Jie” requiring every involved party need to enhance the monitoring of the security of agricultural products as well as set up monitor spot and do random inspection periodically toward agricultural products.


“We will try our best to permit 60% to 70% of local vegetables can enter into the supermarkets for sale within two years” An Jianyong said so.

Copyright: International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
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