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     Statistical Information on Cooperatives Movement
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Statistical Information on the Co-operative Movement


The Co-operative Movement brings together over 800 million people around the world. The United Nations estimated in 1994 that the livelihood of nearly 3 billion people, or half of the world's population, was made secure by co-operative enterprise. These enterprises continue to play significant economic and social roles in their communities. Below are some facts about the Movement that demonstrate their relevance and contribution to economic and social development.



Large segments of the population are members of co-operatives

·                         在亚洲,有4530万人是信用联社成员。(来源:亚洲信用联社协会,2007/2008年度报告)

·                         In Asia 45.3 million people are members of a credit union. (Source: Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions, Annual Report 2007/2008)

·                         在阿根廷,有17941个合作社组织,以及910万成员。

·                         In Argentina, there are over 17,941 co-operative societies with 9.1 million members.

·                         在比利时,2001年有29933个合作社组织。

·                         In Belgium, there were 29,933 co-operative societies in 2001.

·                         在加拿大,每10个人中有4个人是至少一个合作社的成员。在魁北克,约占70%的人口是合作社成员,而在萨斯卡齐文约有56%的人口是合作社成员。(来源:加拿大政府合作社秘书处)

·                         In Canada, four of every ten Canadians are members of at least one co-operative. In Quebec, approximately 70% of the population are co-op members, while in Saskatchewan 56% are members. Source: Co-operative Secretariat, Government of Canada.

·                         在哥伦比亚,有400万以上或9.17%的人口是合作社成员。(来源:哥伦比亚合作社部门,CONFECOOP.2007年)

·                         In Colombia over 4 million people are members of co-operatives or 9.17% of the population. (Source: CONFECOOP. Sector Cooperativo Colombiano 2007)

·                         在哥斯达黎加,共计10%以上的人口是合作社成员。

·                         Costa Rica counts over 10% of its population as members of co-operatives.

·                         在芬兰,艾斯集团有1468572个个人成员,代表了芬兰62%的家庭。(来源:SOK公司2004年年度报告)

·                         Finland, S-Group has a membership of 1,468,572 individuals which represents 62% of Finnish households. (Source: SOK Corporation Annual Report 2004)

·                         在德国,有2000万人,约1/4的人口是合作社成员。

·                         In Germany, there are 20 million people who are members of co-operatives, 1 out of 4 people.

·                         在印度尼西亚,约27.5%的家庭,代表了8000万个人,是合作社成员。(来源:印度尼西亚合作社和中小企业部,2004

·                         In Indonesia, 27.5% families representing approximately 80 million individuals are members of co-operatives. (Source: Ministry of Co-operative & SMEs, Indonesia,2004)

·                         在日本,每3个家庭中有一个是合作社成员。

·                         In Japan, 1 out of every 3 families is a member of a co-operatives.

·                         在肯尼亚,每5个人中有1个是合作社成员,或者说,分别有590万人和2000万人,直接和间接地从合作社运动中获取生计。

·                         Kenya 1 in 5 is a member of a co-operative or 5.9 million and and 20 million Kenyans directly or indirectly derive their livelihood from the Co-operative Movement.

·                         在印度,超过2亿3900万人是合作社成员。

·                         In India, over 239 million people are members of a co-operative.

·                         在马来西亚,有590万人或总人口的24%是合作社成员。(来源:马来西亚企业家和合作社发展部,200612月)

·                         In Malaysia, 5.9 million people or 24% of the total population are members of co-operatives.(Source: Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development, Department of Co-operative Development, Malaysia, December 2006)

·                         在新西兰,40%的成年人是合作社和互助组织的成员。(来源:新西兰合作社协会,2007

·                         In New Zealand, 40% of the adult population are members of co-operatives and mutuals. (Source: New Zealand Co-operative Association, 2007)

·                         在新加坡,人口的50%是合作社成员)

·                         In Singapore, 50% of the population (1.6 million people) are members of a co-operative.

·                         在美国,每10个人中有4个是合作社成员(25%)。

·                         In the United States, 4 in 10 individuals is a member of a co-operative (25%).


Co-operative are significant economic actors in national economies

·                         在比利时,合作社药店拥有市场份额的19.5%

·                         In Belgium, co-operative pharmacies have a market share of 19.5%.

·                         在贝宁,FECECAM,一个储蓄和信用联社,在2002年为农村提供了1600万美元的贷款。

·                         In Benin, FECECAM, a savings and credit co-operative federation provided USD 16 million in rural loans in 2002.

·                         在巴西,合作社对农业GDP的贡献达到40%,承担了农业联合企业总出口的6%2006年,巴西合作社向137个国家出口了750万吨农产品,约值28亿3千万美元。(来源:巴西-阿拉伯新闻办事处,200722日)。

·                         In Brazil, co-operatives are responsible for 40% of the agricultural GDP and for 6% of total agribusiness exports. In 2006 Brazilian co-operatives exported 7.5 million tons of agricultural products for a value of USD 2.83 billion to 137 countries. (Source: Brazil-Arab News Agency, 2 February 2007).

·                         在玻利维亚,de Ahorro y Crédito "Jesús Nazareno"合作社在2002年吸收了全玻利维亚25%的存款。

·                         In Bolivia, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Jesús Nazareno" Ltda. (CJN) handled 25% of the savings in Bolivia in 2002.

·                         在加拿大,枫糖合作社生产了世界枫糖产品的35%

·                         Canadian maple sugar co-operatives produce 35% of the world's maple sugar production.

·                         在科特迪瓦,合作社投资2600万美元,用于建设学校、农村道路和妇女诊所。

·                         In Côte d'Ivoire co-operatives invested USD 26 million for setting up schools, building rural roads and establishing maternal clinics.

·                         在哥伦比亚,7300个合作社对GDP的贡献,从2005年的5.25%,增加到2006年的5.37%2007年的5.61%。他们雇用了11万人,在有些部门提供了一大部分工作机会——在保健部门,有24.4%的工作岗位是合作社提供的,在运输部门是18.3%,农业部门的8.3%,金融部门的7.21%。合作社提供了全国小额贷款的87.5%、全哥伦比亚健康保险的30%,并承担了哥伦比亚咖啡生产的35.29%。(来源:哥伦比亚部门合作社,2007

·                         In Colombia, the over 7,300 co-operatives are responsible for 5.61% of the GDP in 2007 - up from 5.37% in 2006 and 5.25% in 2005. They employ over 110,000 people and some sectors are providing a significant proportion of the jobs - 24.4% of all health sector jobs are provided by co-operatives, 18.3% of the jobs in the transport sector,8.3% in agriculture and 7.21% of the jobs in the financial sector. Co-ops provide 87.5% of all microcredit in the country; they provide health insurance to 30% of all Colombians and are responsible for 35.29% of Colombian coffee production. (Source: Sector Cooperativo Colombiano 2007)

·                         在塞浦路斯,合作社运动占据了银行服务市场的30%,占有农产品销售市场的35%

·                         In Cyprus, the co-operative movement held 30% of the market in banking services, and handled 35% of all marketing of agricultural produce.

·                         在丹麦,消费者合作社在2007年占有消费者零售市场的36.4%

·                         In Denmark, consumer co-operatives in 2007 held 36.4% of consumer retail market. (Source: Coop Norden AB Annual Report 2007)

·                         芬兰合作社集团在皮拉沃占有肉类产品市场的74%,奶产品市场的96%,蛋品市场的50%,森林产品的34%,以及全芬兰银行总储蓄额的34.2%

·                         Finnish co-operative groups within Pellervo were responsible for 74% of the meat products, 96% of dairy products; 50% of the egg production, 34% of forestry products and handled 34.2% of the total deposits in Finnish banks.

·                         在法国,10个农场主中有9个是合作社成员;合作社银行吸收了总储蓄额的60%,有25%的法国零售商是合作社。(来源:GNC简报,第348号,20076月)

·                         In France, 9 out of 10 farmers are members of agricultural co-operatives; co-operative banks handle 60% of the total deposits and 25% of all retailers in France are co-operatives. (Source: GNC Newsletter, No 348, June 2007)

·                         在匈牙利,消费者合作社担负了2004年全国食品和一般零售额的14.4%

·                         Hungary, consumer co-operatives members of Co-op Hungary are responsible for 14.4% of the national food and general retail sales in 2004. (Source: Co-op Hungary, Statistical Data 2004)

·                         在日本,农业合作社成员占到农民总数的91%,生产了900亿美元的产品。

·                         In Japan, the agricultural co-operatives report outputs of USD 90 billion with 91% of all Japanese farmers in membership.

·                         在肯尼亚,合作社对GDP的贡献达到45%,承担了31%的国民存款和储蓄,占有咖啡市场的70%,奶产品市场的76%,除虫菊市场的90%,棉花市场的95%

·                         In Kenya, co-operatives are responsible for 45% of the GDP and 31% of national savings and deposits. They have 70% of the coffee market, 76% dairy, 90% pyrethrum, and 95% of cotton.

·                         在韩国,农业合作社有200万农民社员(占农民总数的90%),生产了110亿美元的产品。韩国渔业合作社的市场份额达到71%

·                         In Korea, agricultural co-operatives have a membership of over 2 million farmers (90% of all farmers), and an output of USD 11 billion. The Korean fishery co-operatives also report a market share of 71%.

·                         在科威特,科威特消费合作社联合会占到全国零售贸易的80%

·                         In Kuwait, the Kuwaiti Union of Consumer Co-operative Societies handled 80% of the national retail trade.

·                         在拉脱维亚,拉脱维亚中央合作联社占有了食品产业部门市场份额的12.3%

·                         In Latvia, the Latvian Central Co-operative Union is responsible for 12.3% of the market in the food industry sector.

·                         在毛里求斯,合作社在农业部的糖、蔬菜、水果、花卉、牛奶、肉和鱼类生产中发挥着重要作用。大约有50%的甘蔗生产者组成了合作社,合作社在全国糖产量中的份额达到10%。合作社组织在全国粮食生产部门占有的份额超过60%-40%的土豆、70%的新鲜蔬菜是由合作社生产的。另外,合作社大客车部门代表了全国30%的客车运输。

·                         In Mauritius, in the agricultural sector, co-operators play an important role in the production of sugar, vegetable, fruit and flower, milk, meat and fish. Nearly 50% of sugar-cane planters are grouped in co-operatives and the share of co-operatives in the National Sugar Production is 10%. Co-operative Societies also account for more than 60% of national production in the food crop sector - 755 of onion consumption, 40% of potatoes and about 70% of fresh green vegetables are produced by co-operatives. In addition, the Co-operative bus sector represents some 30% of the national bus transport. (Source: Ministry of Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives )

·                         在摩尔多瓦,消费者合作社中央联社占据了消费市场的6.8%

·                         In Moldova, the Central Union of Consumer Co-operatives is responsible for 6.8% of the consumer market.

·                         在新西兰,国内生产总值的22%是由合作社企业创造的。合作社占有奶产品市场的95%,和奶产品出口市场的95%。他们占有肉类市场的70%,农用生产资料供应市场的50%,化肥市场的70%,药品批发市场的75%,食品杂货市场的62%。(来源:新西兰合作社协会,2007

·                         In New Zealand, 22% of the gross domestic product (GDP) is generated by co-operative enterprise. Co-operatives are responsible for 95% of the dairy market and 95% of the export dairy market. They hold 70% of the meat market, 50% of the farm supply market, 70% of the fertiliser market, 75% of the wholesale pharmaceuticals, and 62% of the grocery market. (Source: New Zealand Co-operative Association, 2007)

·                         在挪威,奶业合作社担当了牛奶生产的99%;消费者合作社占有市场份额的24.1%,(来源:Coop Norden AB 年度报告,2007);渔业合作社承担了挪威渔业出口总量的8.7%;林业合作社担负了木材产量的76%,在450万挪威人中,有150万是合作社成员。

·                         In Norway, dairy co-operatives are responsible for 99% of the milk production; consumer co-operatives held 24.1% of the market (Source: Coop Norden AB annual report 2007); fisheries co-operatives were responsible for 8.7% of total Norwegian exports; forestry co-operatives were responsible for 76% of timber and that 1.5 million people of the 4.5 million Norwegians are member of co-operatives.

·                         在波兰,奶业合作社占有奶产品的75%

·                         In Poland, dairy co-operatives are responsible for 75% of dairy production.

·                         在苏格兰,合作社和互助组织在苏格兰国内生产总值中占有4.25%的份额,约合40亿英镑的年营业额和250亿英镑的固定资产。(来源:苏格兰合作社法展网,“苏格兰合作社:一支强大的力量”,2007

·                         Co-operatives and mutuals in Scotland account for 4.25% of the Scottish Gross Domestic Product, having an annual turnover of GBP 4 billion and assets of GBP 25 billion. ( Source: Co-operative Development Scotland web site, and "Co-operatives in Scotland: A powerful force....", 2007)

·                         在新加坡,消费者合作社持有超市采购份额的55%,以及7亿美元的营业额。

·                         In Singapore, consumer co-operatives hold 55% of the market in supermarket purchases and have a turnover of USD 700 million.

·                         在斯洛文尼亚,农业合作社承担了牛奶生产的72%,肉牛生产的79%,小麦生产的45%,土豆生产的77%

·                         In Slovenia, agricultural co-operatives are responsible for 72% of the milk production, 79% of cattle; 45% of wheat and 77% of potato production.

·                         在瑞典,效法着合作社在2004年占有市场份额的17.5%。(来源:Coop Norden AB 2004年年度报告)

·                         In Sweden, consumer co-operatives held 17.5% of the market in 2004. (Source: Coop Norden AB annual report 2004)

·                         在英国,最大的独立旅行社是一个合作社。

·                         In the UK, the largest independent travel agency is a co-operative.

·                         在乌拉圭,合作社生产了牛奶总量的90%,蜂蜜的34%,小麦的30%60%的合作社产品出口到全球40个国家。

·                         In Uruguay, co-operative produce 90% of the total milk production, 340% of honey and 30% of wheat. 60% of co-operative production is exported to over 40 countries around the world.

·                         在越南,合作社的贡献占到国内生产总值的8.6%

·                         In Vietnam, co-operatives contribute 8.6% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

·                         在美国,有30个以上的合作社,其年收入超过10亿美元。I2003年,名列前100位的合作社,其年度收入合在一起达到1170亿美元。另外,美国约有30%的农产品是通过3400个农民合作社销售出去的。

·                         In the United States more than 30 co-operatives have annual revenue in excess of USD 1 billion. In 2003 the top 100 US co-operatives had combined revenues of USD 117 billion. In addition, approximately 30% of farmers' products in the US are marketed through 3,400 farmer-owned co-operatives.


Co-operatives create and maintain employment

·                         合作社为全世界提供了一亿多个职位的就业,约为跨国企业的20%多。

·                         Co-operatives provide over 100 million jobs around the world, 20% more than multinational enterprises.

·                         在加拿大,合作社和信用联社雇用了155千多个职工。其中,戴斯佳鼎运动(一个存款信用合作社)是魁北克省的最大雇主。

·                         In Canada, co-operatives and credit unions employ over 155,000 people. The Desjardins movement (savings and credit co-operatives) is the largest employer in the province of Québec.

·                         在哥伦比亚,合作社运动通过直接雇用,提供了11951个工作职位。另外在工人合作社中,提供了作为工人所有者的500450个职位。约占全国工作机会的3.49%。其中,24.41%的工作是在保健部门,18%是在运输部门,13%是在工业部门,11%是在金融部门,8. 3%在农业部门,7.21是在金融部门。

·                         In Colombia, the co-operative movement provides 111,951 jobs through direct employment and an additional 500,450 jobs as owner-workers in workers co-operatives - providing 3.49% of all jobs in the country. The provide 24.41% of the jobs in the health sector, 18% of the jobs in the transport sector, 13% in the worker/industrial sector, 11% in the financial sector, 8.31% in the agricultural sector and 7.21% in the financial sector. (Source: CONFECOOP. Sector Cooperativo Colombiano 2007)

·                         在法国,21000个合作社提供了400多万个工作(来源:GNC简报,348号,20076月)。

·                         In France, 21,000 co-operatives provide over 4 million jobs. (Source: GNC Newsletter, No 348, June 2007)

·                         在德国,8106个合作社为44万人提供了工作。

·                         In Germany, 8,106 co-operatives provide jobs for 440,000 people.

·                         在印度尼西亚,合作社为288589个个人提供了工作。(来源:印度尼西亚合作社和小企业部,2004年)

·                         In Indonesia, co-operatives provide jobs to 288,589 individuals. (Source: Ministry of Co-operative & SMEs, Indonesia, 2004)

·                         在意大利,70400个合作社在005年共用了将近100万个职工。(来源:Camere di Commercio d'Italia, "Secondo rapporto sulle imprese cooperative"

·                         In Italy, 70,400 co-operative societies employed nearly 1 million people in 2005. (Source: Camere di Commercio d'Italia, "Secondo rapporto sulle imprese cooperative")

·                         在肯尼亚,有25万人受雇于合作社。

·                         In Kenya, 250,000 people are employed by co-operatives.

·                         在斯洛伐克,代表700多个合作社的合作社联盟,雇用了约75000个职工。

·                         In Slovakia, the Co-operative Union represents more 700 co-operatives who employ nearly 75,000 individuals.


The information provided here has been collected from a variety of sources including ICA's statistical questionnaire, information published by co-operative organisations, presentations made by co-operatives, and government statistical offices.

Copyright: International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
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